This is one of my favorites restaurants in Xiaoxitian. It is clean and the food is good, as well as less expensive. The restaurant is called Little Sichuan. Sichuan food is world famous for being super hot and spicy. I like spicy food, but I can't eat much without geting sick. So I usually just order very simple foods such as fried rice, tofu and salads. Sometimes I will take a shot and order some spicy dish, but often later regret it.  

This is a new fruit stand that opened up recently. It has a big bright neon sign that says "something something" legend. I will be sure to ask a Chinese person what that sign reads. Matter of fact, I often have trouble reading the cursive style of Chinese letters. Printed form are easy because they are very clear, but cursive is difficult. I hear Chinese people say that reading English cursive writing is difficult too.
Anyway, it's amazing to me that these open air stores are open nearly all year round. I think it seems to cold to leave fruit outside to be sold, but that doesn't stop them. Maybe people think the cold, dry air keeps the fruit fresh?

At night, you can see many people selling stuff on the street corner. Near the entrance to Xiaoxitian, there is a broad open area where lots of vendors come to sell there stuff. They simply lay out a sheet on the ground, put their goods on top, and start selling. There is heavy people traffic in that area, so many people stop and take a look. You can bargin with the sellers over the price.