longear From: ChengDu China Posted on: 2012-11-15 | tutor agency
 Job Details:
1 Subject to Teach:Mini Class, Salon Class (World Textbooks),
English Corner
2 Duration of Each Class:50 mins
3 Class Amount per Week:25-30 Classes
4 office Hours per Week:40 hours. (Full time)
5 Students’ Age:10-55 years. Old
6.Class Size:≤4 (Mini Class), ≤10 (Salon Class),
≤20 (English Corner)
7 Numbers Needed:1 Full-timer
Foreign Teachers Requirements:
1 Nationality:Europe and white American
from English-speaking Countries
2.Sex Required:Both Male & Female
3.Age Required:No more than 60 years old
4.Degree:Bachelor’s Degree or above (High school for experienced teachers)
5.TEFL/TESOL or not?:Yes (Not requested for experienced teachers)
6.Teaching Experience:At least 1 year
7.Arrival time:ASAP
8.Other Requirement:Work for at least 1 year
Terms of Employment
1 Contract Length:1Year
2 Salary: Full-time: 8000RMB/Month + 1200RMB Housing Allowance (No Housing 3 Allowance for the first 2 months’ probation.)
4 Air Fee Allowance:6000RMB (For Full-time teachers only)
5 Apartment :For Full-time teachers only
6 Over Work Allowance:100RMB/hr.
7 Meals Offered? :No
8 Holidays :Entitled public hol |